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Fontos tudni: ----- PC digitális letöltőkód emailben, nem dobozos kiadás! ----- A program aktiválásával vagy használatával kapcsolatos kérdés esetén a technikai segítségnyújtást a kiadó biztosítja angol nyelven.
Sins of a Solar Empire II is the sequel to the critically acclaimed space strategy game that seamlessly blends real-time battle tactics with the depth of 4X. As both emperor and battle commander you must lead one of six playable factions to victory against the threat of extinction!
There are no turns. There is no battle mode. There is no strategic mode. Its all one mode and its all in real-time.
Instantly zoom in to control tactical engagements where every missile, turret, and ship is fully simulated and an important part of the battle. Instantly zoom back out to manage your empire where every asteroid, moon, and planet orbits its parent in a slowly evolving strategic landscape.
Sins of a Solar Empire II delivers sprawling empires, huge fleets, and completely new and exciting gameplay moments that can only be found in Sins II.
A Dynamic Galaxy: Planets orbit their stars in real-time causing the galaxys structure to slowly change, creating new battle fronts and new opportunities. Players can view the state of the galaxy up to an hour in the future to prepare their strategies.
3 Unique Races: Its War Year 35 and the emergent TEC, alien Vasari, and deviant Advent have been forced to adapt and evolve to survive.
Each race features unique starting conditions, gameplay mechanics, units, abilities, items, and technologies. Their game changing new Empire Systems add a whole new level of strategic capabilities:
6 Playable Factions: The parent races are further differentiated by unique sub-factions each with their own unique features and play styles that reflect their motivations and goals. For example, the TEC: Primacy is a xenophobic human first empire focused on aggression and the Vasari: Exodus is willing to destroy planets to fuel their mobile empire.
Combat Simulation: A detailed combat simulation adds incredible depth to tactical gameplay. Turrets with their own pitch and tracking speeds make firing solutions important in battles. Fully simulated missiles can be blocked by ships or destroyed by point defense. New mechanics around shields, armor and hull points give greater depth to units and tactical decisions.
Empire Management: All planets and ships can now be easily analyzed, customized, and upgraded in one place without the tedium of finding and clicking through all units in your empire. The Intelligent Construction system will queue up the entire chain of prerequisites to fulfill any item, research, or unit build request.
Fleet Management: The new fleet system includes the ability to request specific reinforcements on the fly. Requested units are automatically queued from the optimal factory and rallied to the fleet. Combined with Intelligent Construction this allows you to focus on the important tactical decisions and big picture strategy.
Unit Customization: Planet surfaces can now be customized with special items that vary by race and planet type. Capital ships, titans and starbases can also be customized with race specific items to fill gaps in the fleets composition or target specific strategies.
Minor Factions: Numerous minor factions now inhabit the galaxy offering trade, auctions for rare items, and with enough influence, access to their most powerful abilities. Will you befriend them or annihilate them to keep your enemies from turning them against you?
Diplomacy: New features include a new offer / counteroffer system, the ability to give or demand planets, and the game changing time locked cease-fires that prevent your ally from backstabbing you until it expires - but keep on eye on the time!
Multicore 64-bit Engine: The Sins II engine can utilize all available cores and RAM to maximize performance, now and into the future. Dynamic lighting, physically based rendering, higher resolution textures and more create a beautiful tapestry.
10-Player Multiplayer Support: A cloud based online system supports both join codes and lobbies to make it easier than ever to play with others. Games can now be rejoined in progress if a player drops or has to leave humans can even take over for AI players if a friend joins late.
In-game Mod Support: Mod support has been integrated into the game, making it easy to discover, install, and share mods. Custom maps are automatically shared for multiplayer games, preventing the hassle of everyone downloading ahead of time.
Easy to Learn Hard to Master: With an elegant and intuitive user interface Sins II is easy to pick up and play. However, mastering your chosen faction will take true skill.
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A játék futását a kiadó csak azokon a Windows változatokon szavatolja, amelyek a rendszerigényben fel vannak tüntetve. Ha például egy játéknál nem szerepel a Windows 10, akkor nem is feltétlenül fog futni Windows 10-en.
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Ügyfélfogadás: Hétfő–Péntek 9-17 óráig
Telefon: (06-1) 479-0933, (06-30) 670-6418