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Ready or Not: LSPD Bundle includes:
Be sure to join the Ready or Not Discord server to keep up with the latest updates, find recruits for your squad, and have a good time!
- The LSPD reports a massive upsurge in violent crime across the greater Los Suenos area. Special Weapons and Tactics teams have been dispatched to respond to various scenes involving high-risk hostage situations, active bomb threats, barricaded suspects, and other criminal activities. Citizens are being advised to practice caution when traveling the city or to stay at home.
It has been noted that while Los Suenos is still seen as a city where riches can be found, for many more the finer things in life are becoming less and less obtainable. The city is sprawling with cramped high-rise apartments and decaying affordable housing, which has been exploited by the criminal underground like a malevolent parasite, states Chief Galo Álvarez. In a city where people are just trying to survive, lawful action from the LSPD and the LSPD SWAT team remains an integral force preventing the stretched thin social fabric in this city from snapping under this chaotic strain.
In response to the burgeoning violent crime wave inundating Los Suenos, Chief Álvarez of the LSPD has enlisted the stalwart support of David Judge Beaumont as the Commander of the LSPD SWAT team. Shortly following this announcement, the LSPD has also confirmed active recruitment for additional talent to join this specialized tactical police unit with the mission of bringing peace back to the city.
This assignment is not for the faint of heart, comments Commander Beaumont, Extremists, crooked politicians, countless weapons, human trafficking, and illicit drugs and pornography… the world of policing in Los Suenos is fraught with real and harsh realities, realities that the everyday person isnt necessarily confronted with. These are realities that you will need to navigate with your team within the proper bounds of the law or face the consequences and make matters worse.
The Los Suenos Policed Department has officially posted new details on Commander Judge Beaumonts updated assignment with the LSPD SWAT team:
Whether this is your first time in Los Suenos or not, the city has changed and so too have the tools and methods with which we conduct our work. The haunts you might have seen or heard about are re-imagined, and so have the angles with which we approach each call. Furthermore, weve received reports that identify at least 4 new high-risk police districts which we suspect may require future tactical intervention, plus at least 4 existing high-risk districts that underwent massive upheavals.
The role of the Commander of the LSPD SWAT is to compose their team from a large roster with unique talents, give tactical orders, meticulously plan, and carry out missions. Commanders are obligated to conduct each mission with integrity and look after their teams mental and physical health. Officers with unaddressed deteriorating mental status may be unable to properly perform their duties or even feel compelled to quit the force. Incapacitated officers may be temporarily unavailable for missions, with the tragic prospect of death leading to a permanent loss. For SWAT Commanders in unusual circumstances based on individual choices they opt for, deadly mistakes may lead to their own permanent fatality.
Much anticipated improved SWAT training procedures, tactics, and experience in the LSPD has led to an overall increase in the quality and quantity of officers in our roster. Expanded tactical versatility allows our officers to take on any challenge with renewed confidence, blending coordination and independence seamlessly. There is also additional basic training now available to SWAT members to keep foundational knowledge and muscle memory in top shape.
We have access to the best weapons and equipment that the LSPD can offer to fulfill our exceptionally dangerous role, including many new acquisitions. However, customization isnt limited to the equipment we use. Through close-knit comradery while performing remarkable actions alongside the team, youll earn the clothes you wear, the patches on your sleeves, the artwork that may adorn your skin, and potentially even the timepiece on your wrist. Lastly, we have overhauled our headquarters training facilities to better test our loadouts before heading out on call.
Ready or Not: Home Invasion
Los Suenos - STATE OF EMERGENCY: Los Suenos Police Department Chief Galo Álvarez issues an emergency broadcast regarding the City of Los Suenos response to Hurricane Antonio. Massive property and environmental damage from the record-breaking Category 5 Hurricane Antonio with windspeeds and rainfall reported to affect most areas of the county. Patrol units on high alert with stationed checkpoints. Fire Rescue Medical Triage Centers erected on perimeters of major hospitals where possible. Temporary homeless shelters set outside severely damaged areas and into the Sierra del Suenos mountains. Home invasion occurrences widespread and met with disaster response by LSPD SWAT.
GREENSIDE- Catastrophic storm damage. A large portion of homeless people are seeking shelter due to unsafe conditions on the streets. Keep doors and windows barricaded.
213 PARK— Major storm damage. Evidence of gang related activity proliferating, possibility for gang related violence unusually high. Avoid any display of gang-related affiliation and beware of groups of individuals in the street.
REDWOOD- Limited storm damage. Organized movement of possible looters identified in region. Keep gates or any fencing closed and locked with valuables secured. Keep power generators in secure but well-ventilated areas.
Several recent shipments of FN 509 pistols, MP17 PDWs, and DM4 PDWs are now being outfitted to tactical officers to accommodate the heightened security necessary for disaster response within the zones close quarters, unpredictable environments.
Alongside the new firearms, the officers have also been allotted new gear:
Incl. 7 color variants for shirts and pants
Ready or Not: Dark Waters
Los Suenos - LSPD Official Statement: October 27th, 10:12am PDT
At approx. 0800 hours this morning a critical situation occurred on offshore oil rig HeavyWell A-101 and was responded to via tactical response by LSPD SWAT. The United Peoples Front, designated by the US Government as a terror group, claimed responsibility for this hostage incident. The situation is still ongoing, further investigation and situation reports are under the jurisdiction of FISA.
The events on the offshore oil rig come shortly after the failed assassination attempt of newly elected governor Whitfield. The LSPD is still working closely with the Highway Patrol, Protective Services, and Federal Officials to ensure Governor Whitfields safety following the failed assassination attempt during a political event at LSPD HQ last month.
New LSPD maritime capabilities, in cooperation with the Los Suenos C.O.A.S.T. , facilitated a rapid response to the hostage incident on HeavyWell A-101. A UH-60 helicopter is now allocated for rapid response and reconnaissance with our SWAT teams.
Mirage at Sea- A well-guarded luxury yacht party conceals the bloody stains of an international crime operation.
Leviathan- An offshore oil rig is overrun by eco-terrorists who begin executing the workers on board.
3 Letter Triad- An abandoned island resort becomes the tense site of a secretive deal.
Separate from exclusive maritime V.B.S.S. and ATLAS equipment, there are additions to the general SWAT armory: the MK17, GA51, M14S-16, MP5SD6, and G3 rifles are intended to help address the need for all SWAT units to handle increasingly dangerous threats at distance.
The V.B.S.S exclusive uniform gear is requisitioned from Naval Special Operations unit surplus: Eli-Tec Helmet, Phoenix Flight Suit, TP-1E Carrier, Phoenix Gloves, and Panama Boots.
The uniform for the ATLAS Association, supplied to the LSPD via a tactical support network: Sallet T5X Helmet, Phantasm LS-911 Carrier, ATLAS PRO Top, OxFort Pilot Hard Knuckles, ATLAS PRO Pants, and Salmon 4D GTX Boots.
Ready or Not: Official Soundtrack
Are you Ready? The haunting, gritty noir of Ready or Nots soundtrack, composed by Zack Bower, is now available! All tracks available as MP3.
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Ügyfélfogadás: Hétfő–Péntek 9-17 óráig
Telefon: (06-1) 479-0933, (06-30) 670-6418