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The Champions of Chaos Lords Pack introduces four new playable Legendary Lords to Total War: WARHAMMER III, usable in both the Realm of Chaos and Immortal Empires campaigns.
Embark on campaigns of domination as Valkia the Bloody, Festus the Leechlord, Azazel Prince of Damnation and Vilitch the Curseling. These Lords may be used in WARHAMMER IIIs Realm of Chaos and Immortal Empires campaigns. However, they feature their own campaign mechanics and objectives, and do not engage with the Ursun storyline in the Realm of Chaos campaign.
Over time, players can choose to elevate lowly mortal units, such as Marauders, through the Chaos ranks to become powerful servants of the dark gods, such as mighty Chaos Knights and Chosen. Chaos Lords and Heroes may also be elevated all the way to Daemon Prince status, and even dedicated to the service of one of the Dark Gods.
You can choose your Champion under Warriors of Chaos to start your new campaign.
The consort of Khorne himself, Valkia the Bloody descends from the skies to slaughter in the name of the Blood God. Valkia uses a variant of Khornes Bloodletting feature, with rewards better-suited to the Gorequeens needs. Her faction also gains campaign movement bonuses following successful battle victories.
Festus was once a skilled doctor. Compassionate to a fault, he traded his soul and sanity for the knowledge to save others. No longer bound by morality, the Leechlord brews Plagues in Nurgles name. He must attain ingredients through different methods than his Daemonic counterparts, but his concoctions are no less potent.
Azazels beauty is said to be second only to his patron Slaanesh. Most opponents concede before the fight even begins… for how could they wish harm upon such an enchanting being? Such is Azazels beauty, he can utilise elements of Slaaneshs Seduction to tempt enemies to join his side pre-battle. Those he defeats bear his unique symbol: the Mark of Azazel.
The malformed sorcerer-twin Vilitch uses his potent magical abilities in tandem with his brothers hulking form to enslave those who would oppose him.
Vilitch can use a variant of the Changing of the Ways like his Tzeentch allies, and begins play with the ability to Teleport Attack his foes.
A játék használatához angol nyelvismeret és szélessávú internetkapcsolat szükséges.
This content requires the base game Total War: WARHAMMER III on Steam in order to play.
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